
Issue Title
Vol 38, No 3 (2010) Zoogeography of Chilean marine and freshwater decapod crustaceans Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
Marco A. Retamal, Hugo I. Moyano
Vol 45, No 4 (2017) Reproductive biology of Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in a reservoir situated in Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil Abstract  PDF
Raquel C. Silva, Giuliano B. Jacobucci, Emerson C. Mossolin
Vol 43, No 4 (2015) Parasite burden in decapod crustaceans from the central coast of Chile: is there any association with the relationship with definitive host abundances? Abstract  PDF (Español (España))
Natalia Leiva, Mario George-Nascimento, Gabriela Muñoz
Vol 44, No 1 (2016) Record of stomatopods and decapods, including descriptions of the species of commercial interest from the submarine rises and surrounding waters of the Chilean oceanic islands (southeastern Pacific Ocean) Abstract  PDF
Marco Antonio Retamal, Patricio M. Arana
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